Let me be clear, the Women's Suffrage Movement on through to the Feminist Movement was primarily about what White women wanted. Period. It had nothing to do with what Us Black women wanted or needed. When Shirley Chisholm ran for president, Gloria Steinem and Bella Abzug were indulging her because they didn't think she had a snowball's chance in Hell of succeeding. But once the media started paying attention to her and realized, she was serious, they asked her to drop out of the race because Chisholm was allegedly overshadowing THEIR issues. When she refused, they turned their back on her. Of course Gloria Steinem says she didn't, but many of the Black women who were there and knew Chisholm, had receipts that she did.
As for Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, they were both unrepentant racists. Cady "publicly enunciating bigoted views of African-American men, whom she characterized as “Sambos” and incipient rapists in the period just after the war. The suffrage struggle itself took on a similar flavor, acquiescing to white supremacy — and selling out the interests of African-American women — when it became politically expedient to do so. This betrayal of trust opened a rift between black and white feminists that persists to this day". That it does.
Some white women in the movement balked at the 14th & 15th Amendments because of the idea that Black men might be granted the vote before they were, epitomized by Susan B. Anthony infamously claiming, “I will cut off this right arm of mine before I ever work or demand the ballot for the Negro and not the woman.” So miss me with the but "Frederick Douglass was friends with Anthony". When he found out about her true racist self, he felt betrayed. Proving once again, that neither Black men nor Black women can trust White women.