Pablo Wegesend — Poor deluded soul. You are as clueless as anyone could be. This article was on-point and obviously you didn’t understand a word of it or merely didn’t want to. All of the African American men in their lives have issues, especially Kanye (mental illness, thinks he’s God, and delusions of grandeur), Tristan Thompson (a serial cheater), Travis Scott (lost, color-struck and still on the plantation and doesn’t even know it) and this list could go on. So these men have too many problems of their own to even know or concern themselves with cultural appropriation. CA is real and it’s an issue that needs addressing. You can’t attempt to raise Black children, if you aren’t fully aware of and acknowledge Black culture. Being Black is not a costume non-White people can put on and pull off at will. The Jenner/Kardashians have neither gotten that text, memo or email and that’s the problem. They want all of the outward appeal of being Black, but none of the problems or issues concerning Black people.