Yes, there is a need for acknowledgment and accountability regarding the historical injustices committed, including enslavement, rapes, lynchings, pillaging, plundering, murder, and discrimination. These actions were undeniably brutal and should be condemned. It's crucial to confront the legacies of racism and strive for a more equitable society. Rather than aligning with white supremacy, it's essential to foster understanding, empathy, and unity...though some people in this country didn't get the memo, text, call or TikTok. They're still longing for the 50s with cross-burnings, the KKK, Jim Crow and segregation.
Addressing racism means facing the historical facts...also known as the truth. Then acknowledging the harm done, making amends for it, and working to create a more just and inclusive future, and that might just once again include the boogeyman Affirmative Action and other legislative actions that will even the playing field much better than it is now. By the way, White people should feel shame and a lot of it. Their atrocities have been on-going for centuries and enough is quite enough.